Facts About Pipe insulation Singapore Revealed

Pipe Jacketing Review by SE Singapore
Understand more on pipe jacketing
Pipe jacketing review by Shun Engineering Pte Ltd Singapore. Insulation and jacketing are the most important factors to consider when looking for a new manufacturing plant. The insulation keeps your workspace comfortable and tidy look for all year round, as well as being energy efficient.

Pipe jacketing review

Importance of pipe jacketing
Insulation and jacketing is an easy and inexpensive way to save energy and money while still maintaining the heat in your workspace. It also helps keep outside noise out, which is important if your company is in high demand of machines running like manufacturing. However, pipe jacketing is the process of putting a protective enclosure around a piped gas or water delivery system. In essence, pipe jacketing can apply to any applicable safety measure to prevent any rupture or damage from an external source. In addition, pipe jackets can various type of different materials for different types of use. However, commonly, they are made from steel tubing with different materials and thicknesses.

Jacketing for piping by Shun Engineering Singapore
Purpose of pipe jacketing
In our Singapore industry sector, pipe jacketing can apply to many applications like sewers, chemical plant chimneys, power lines, and piping. They are especially useful for protecting water or gas pipelines because they provide insulation and protection against heat loss from exposed pipes. Pipe jacketing in insulation applied over a thousand types of mechanical insulation can serve several purposes. Regardless of any jacketing and insulation, both long-term and short-term features are guaranteed by jacketing. To put it another way, taking care of your jacketing insulation system ensures it stays in good performance condition. Many different types of jackets can apply to mechanical insulation materials, including jacketing materials. It can also consist of various steel sheets with different thicknesses.

Pipe jacketing Elbows by Shun Engineering Singapore
Important to your facility?
Is pipe jacketing
The integrity of the jacketing is vital, especially to heat piping. If the insulation method is setting up correctly, insulation’s “performance” can be valid for the whole system. If you are applying jackets to pipes, equipment engines for high or low temperatures, this can help you reduce noise and maintain the process temperature. In other cases, it can help you save energy costs for sure. Therefore, the maintenance of the pipe jackets is essential. But honestly, this is generally up to the facility owner to decide the frequency of maintenance and how often they should be maintained. In other means, they have to base on the yearly budget given by the management. When the system is well maintained, it can be a great way of saving time and money on insulation work.

Pipe jacketing flanges by Shun Engineering Singapore
Benefit of pipe jacketing
What is the
Meanwhile, the thermal insulation system is including jacketing and piping insulation. What is the main benefit of this? To control the temperature change and maintaining the low fluctuations. For instance, there’ll be an increase in heat if the environment hot, just like Singapore weather. Certainly, the indoor environment with all piping systems potentially can create the risk for insulation to get wet or damaged from high temperatures. So we must make sure the surface of the piping is insulated. If the jacket’s materials get torn and dislodged, it’s usually taken away all the insulation benefits. More importantly, if the insulation becomes damaged, this can create wasted energy, and occupants will lose thermal comfort. Therefore, we can see that most of the process industry with a high demand for production. They will have a yearly maintenance plan to inspect all the pipe jacketing and insulation systems.

Penalties of not maintain insulation system
To emphasize, the penalties of not maintaining well for jacketing in high-temperature systems are much more severe. And this does not only cause the process line to break down but the insulation system will potentially be lost all the benefits for the long term. For example, in hot weather like Singapore, the insulation is designed to keep the process cool when outdoors turns into something of a furnace. In other means, the pipe jacketing is not only helpful in protecting the insulation, but it also provides one more layer level of protection. In addition, as well as it prevents moisture migration to the pipe and the accumulation of water. Moisture “moist” can get in through any breaches in your vapor retarder envelope and condense. Otherwise, this will make the insulation wet, which won’t help keep your production smooth and temperature consistency.

Pipe jacketing for commecial building by Shun Engineering Singapore
Lifespan of piping line
How to increase
Hence, it is important to realize that pipe jacketing is an essential process because it ensures that the pipes’ inner insulation is not exposed to any outside elements and can last for a long time. Explicitly, the importance of jacketing is to increase the durability of the application. Second, it is mainly using to protect the pipes from any exterior and environmental hazards. To emphasize, pipe jacketing also helps prevent corrosion of the pipes. Ultimately, it also helps to increase the pipes’ life span, which means they can last longer compare to piping that does not insulate. Consequently, this also prevents serious safety issues if the system is setting correctly. Pipe jacketing is a process that is used in the natural gas industry to protect pipes from corrosion. This type of insulation wraps around the pipe to form a protective barrier.

Pipe jacketing for hot water by Shun Engineering Singapore
Jacketing material in Singapore
Most common
that is to say, the most common material used for pipe jacketing in Singapore is aluminum GI or Stainless steel. GI jackets’ material can withstand a wide range of applications depend on user requirements. Thus, this is only the downside range which is the cheaper option. On the other hand, they can be more expensive materials such as stainless steel with different thicknesses. 20 years ago in Singapore, the name of jacketing we called the “tube” can be made of different materials and is also called a “casing” or “gasket”. But after years, it changed to “pipe jacketing.” Insulation jacketing is an industry term for a layer of Insulation which means a steel sheet wrapped around the outside of the piping. The purpose of insulation jackets for hot applications is to more info provide an extra layer of warmth and protection from the cold.

Benefit of Insulation
What are the benefit ?

Maintains process temperature
Minimize temperature variation and fluctuation
Reduced level of vibration and noise
Fire protection
Freezing protection
Prevents condensation
Energy-saving (Ensure)

Our services cover
Shun Engineering
What is included in our services?

One year limited warranty
Insulate by Certified Insulators
Shift work available
Calculation of thickness
Calibrated tools

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Company Address – Shun Engineering Pte Ltd, 5 Soon Lee Street, #05-58 Pioneer Point, Singapore 627 607

Any question?
We love to hear any pipe insulation inquiry on the island of Singapore. Typically all the questions will reply within one hour. During this pandemic of covid-19, please take care.

Contact information

Mr.Eric Chuar (Marketing Manager)

Email : [email protected]

Mobile : (65) 9018 9084

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Fax : (65) 6265 9973


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